What does Towdah mean?

Towdah is one of seven words for "Praise".

  • Towdah
An extension of the hand in adoration, avowal, or acceptance, to thank God in advance. 

As an Audio person I am an extension of the worship team, pastor, etc. It is all funneled through me to the people. It's very hard for the back row to hear without the things I do. 

Likewise I could mess up the flow of things if I am not watching, being diligent, and keeping my own art/craft to it's highest standard. 

It might be better for there to be no audio than to have the wrong person behind the board. In a very real sense, I am an invisible extension of the hand from God through the platform to the people and from them, because they respond, back to God.

All Praise

Toda in Spanish means: ALL
Towdaw in Hebrew means: Praise, Confession, and Thanksgiving
Therefore I am to give ALL Praise, Confession, and Thanksgiving to God.

I know I’m called (in part) to music, worship, audio, and praise as a central part of my life. But I’ve been pushing it off and laying it aside for a long time. 

Over the years I’ve spent lot’s of time on and off Church Platforms doing Praise and Worship. It seems that just as soon as I get anywhere close to a platform I start feeling ill, agitated, sick, nervous, scared, and depressed. It’s happened every time at every church. 

Some may be tempted to call this stage fright. It’s not. 

After many years of asking the Lord about this reaction I was having I finally just decided that I couldn’t be on a platform anymore until I knew what was happening. 

Several years went by and the music inside grew dry. I didn’t even like listening to it. I didn’t want to be present for the worship part of the service. I all but forgot about music. 

During that time God started dealing with me about the level of my intimacy with Him. I was keeping Him at a distance… as I was everyone else too. 

Since then... He’s been teaching me about prayer and closeness to Him. I’ve grown... 

Since 2010, God has brought music back to me... slowly.

Confess-Praise-Thanksgiving… These are the heart of true music!

Rosh Hashanah
תּוֹדָ | H8426

towdah | tō·dä’
thanksgiving, praise, thanks, thank offerings, confession1) confession, praise, thanksgiving
   a) give praise to God
   b) thanksgiving in songs of liturgical worship, hymn of praise
   c) thanksgiving choir or procession or line or company
   d) thank-offering, sacrifice of thanksgiving
   e) confession
From the Root Word:
יָדָה | From יָדָה (H3034)
yadah | yä·dä’
*) to throw, shoot, cast
*) to give thanks,, laud, praise
*) to confess, confess (the name of God)

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